

Pte Paul Sutcliffe, 2 UDR, 1st March 1991.
The 191st UDR Soldier killed. He was killed by the IRA using a Mark 12 mortar, a type of home made weapon used for the first time. The missile, a horizontal firing mortar bomb hit the landrover as it moved off from temporary traffic lights on the Killylea Road, Armagh. Originally from Lancashire Paul had previous service with The Duke of Wellington's Regiment. The driver of the vehicle Pte Roger Love died three days later in hospital. Three of their colleagues were injured, one lost a leg above the knee. He was 24 years old, on duty and single at the time of his death.
Pte Roger Love, 2 UDR, 4th March 1991.
The 192nd UDR Soldier killed. Died on 4th March 1991 of injuries he received in an IRA mortar attack on 1st March 1991. He was the driver of a landrover hit by a Mark 12 mortar, this was a type of home made weapon used for the first time. They were travelling along the Killylea Road, Armagh carrying out a mobile patrol. His colleague Pte Paul Sutcliffe died in the explosion and three other colleagues were injured, one lost a leg above the knee. He was 20 years old, on duty and single at the time of his death.
LCpl Robert Crozier, 2 UDR, 31 May 1991.
The 193rd UDR Soldier killed. One of three soldiers killed in an IRA explosion at the Glenanne base. A lorry packed with 2500 lb of home made explosives was rolled down a hill and through a perimeter fence into the base. The explosion was heard 50 miles away and damaged nearby houses and the Primary School. Pte Sydney Hamilton and Pte Paul Blakely were also killed and 40 others injured. Cattle in fields close by were killed and the fire which started in the guard room badly damaged the base. The three soldiers had more than 50 years's service in the Regiment between them. He was 46 years old, on duty and married at the time of his death.
Pte Paul Blakely, 2 UDR, 31st May 1991.
The 194th UDR Soldier killed. One of three soldiers killed in an IRA explosion at the Glenanne base. A lorry packed with 2500 lb of home made explosives was rolled down a hill and through a perimeter fence into the base. The explosion was heard 50 miles away and damaged nearby houses and the Primary School. LCpl Robert Crozier and Pte Sydney Hamilton were also killed and 40 others injured. Cattle in fields close by were killed and the fire which started in the guard room badly damaged the base. Paul's home had been destroyed by a car bomb two days before Christmas in 1989. The three soldiers had more than 50 years' service in the Regiment between them. He was 30 years old, on duty and married at the time of his death.
Pte Sydney Hamilton, 2 UDR, 31st May 1991.
The 195th UDR Soldier killed. One of three soldiers killed in an IRA explosion at the Glenanne base. A lorry packed with 2500 lb of home made explosives was rolled down a hill and through a perimeter fence into the base. The explosion was heard 50 miles away and damaged nearby houses and the Primary School. LCpl Robert Crozier and Pte Paul Blakely were also killed and 40 others injured. Cattle in the fields close by were killed and the fire which started in the guard room badly damaged the base. The three soldiers had more than 50 years' service in the Regiment between them. He was 44 years old, on duty and married at the time of his death.
Pte Brian Lawrence, 7/10 UDR, 17th June 1991.
The 196th UDR Soldier killed. Shot by the IRA as he parked his car at his civilian employment in Duncrue Street, Belfast. He was hit seven times when gunmen fired 12 shots. The car used in the attack had been hijacked and the owner's house taken over. Brian was concerned about his security as he was unable to vary his route to work. He was 34 years old, off duty and married at the time of his death.
Pte William Boyd, 8 UDR, 8th August 1991.
William left the Regiment in 1979. He was the 56th UDR Veteran to be killed. He was ambushed by the IRA at Finns Crossroads, Altmore Road, Cappagh. More than seventy shots were fired at his van from three AK-47 rifles. William had left the Regiment in 1979. He was 42 years old and married at the time of his death.
Cpl Ronald Finlay, 6 UDR, 15th August 1991.
Ronnie had left the Regiment in 1988. He was the 57th UDR Veteran to be killed. He was shot by the IRA as he got out of his car to go to work on the farm he had worked at for thirty years Brocklass Road, ion Mills. His wife and sons, aged ten and two years witnessed the attack. The gunmen had taken over the farm, holding the owner and his brother bound and gagged and opened fire from an upstairs window. They shot out the tyres on the Finlay's car before escaping in the farmer's car. Ronnie's brother Winston was killed by the IRA in 1987. Ronnie had previously served in the Ulster Special Constabulary.
Pte Michael Boxall, 5 UDR, 6th November 1991.
The 197th UDR Soldier killed. He was killed by an IRA Mark 12 mortar in Bellaghy, County Londonderry. The device hit his landrover, the second of a two vehicle mobile patrol. Michael died of his injuries shortly afterwards in hospital. A colleague was blinded in one eye. He was 27 years old, on duty and single at the time of his death.
LCpl Kenneth Newell, 4/6 UDR, 27th November 1991.
The 198th UDR Soldier killed. Abducted with a colleague by the IRA as he off loaded his lorry. He was later found, shot in the head, lying at a roadside verge at Cullyhanna near Crossmaglen. His helper was later released, the IRA not realising that he too was a soldier in the Regiment. He told the inquest that they had both been taken to a shed where he was put through a mock execution and could hear Kenny being questioned about members of the security forces. He was 31 years old, off duty and married at the time of his death.