


Maj Ivan Toombs, 3 UDR, 16th January 1981.
The 109th UDR Soldier and 11th Officer killed. He was killed when two gunmen burst into the customs post where he worked in Warrenpoint and shot him several times in the head and chest at point blank range. He was rushed to Daisy Hill Hospital in Newry, but was pronounced dead on arrival. He was 42 years old, off duty, married with five children at the time of his death.
LCpl Samuel Montgomery, 5 UDR, 10th February 1981.
The 110th UDR Soldier killed. He was killed in the timber yard where he worked in Strand Road, Londonderry. He was shot 5 times in the back. He was 27 years old, off duty and single at the time of his death.
Pte John Smith, 7 UDR, 27th March 1981.
The 11th UDR Soldier killed. He was killed as he walked to work along Cromac Street, Belfast. Two gunmen wearing white painters' coats and carrying tins of paint followed him before shooting him in the back of the head. He had been threatened a few weeks before his death. He was 25 years old, off duty and single at the time of his death.
Pte William 'John' Donnelly, 8 UDR, 16th April 1981.
The 112th UDR Soldier killed. He was killed as he sat in his local pub, The Village Inn, Moy. He was awarded a GOC's Commendation on 15 Apr 1980. His brother in law was shot dead by the IRA ten months earlier. He was 56 years old, off duty and single at the time of his death.
Pte John Robinson, 8 UDR, 23 April 1981.
John had left the Regiment in 1974 and was the 24th UDR Veteran to be killed. He was killed as he drove a works minibus and was dropping workmates off. He was struck by five bullets fired at close range. He was 38 years old and married at the time of his death.
LCpl Richard McKee, 3 UDR, 28th April 1981.
The 113th UDR Soldier killed. He was killed by a sniper as he travelled on the Dublin Road, Castlewellan in a military civilianised van with two other colleagues, one of them was seriously wounded in the attack. He had previous service in the Inniskilling Dragoon Guards. He was 27 years old, on duty and single at the time of his death.
Pte Alan 'Thomas' Ritchie, 5 UDR, 25th May 1981.
The 114th UDR Soldier killed. He was killed in an IRA ambush whilst on a mobile patrol near Bellaghy. The gunmen had been lying in wait behind a hedge. He was 28 years old, on duty and single at the time of his death.
LCpl Ronald Graham, 4 UDR, 5th June 1981.
The 115th UDR Soldier killed. He was killed as he delivered coal. One of his brothers was killed later that year and another in 1985. His sister was seriously injured by a car crashing through a vehicle checkpoint and later died. He was 39 years old, off duty and married at the time of his death.
Pte Allen Clarke, 5 UDR, 12th September 1981.
The 116th UDR Soldier killed. Shot by the IRA as he walked through Maghera. His close friend, a RUC reservist, carried his coffin at the funeral and then he was himself shot dead in an IRA attack a few hours later. He was 20 years old, off duty and single at the time of his death.
Pte John Proctor, 5 UDR, 14th September 1981.
John left the Regiment in 1979 and subsequently joined the RUC as a Reservist. He was the 25th UDR Veteran to be killed. He was shot by IRA gunmen as he visited his wife and their new born baby boy in hospital. His wife, with the baby in her arms, was waving to him through the ward window and witnessed his death. Earlier that day he had served as a pallbearer at the funeral of his friend and neighbour Alan Clarke, a UDR soldier killed by the IRA. He was 25 years old and married at the time of his death
Pte Mark Stockman, 10 UDR, 29th September 1981.
The 117th UDR Soldier killed. Shot by INLA during his lunch break at work after leaving Mackie's Factory on the Springfield Road, Belfast. Another employee was wounded. The gunman stood over Mark firing shots into his body after shooting him in the back. He was 20 years old, off duty and single at the time of his death.
Pte Hector Hall, 5 UDR, 5th November 1981.
Hector left the Regiment in 1981. He was the 26th UDR Veteran to be killed. He was shot by the IRA in the Altnagelvin hospital car park as he left work. Gunmen opened fire five times hitting him twice as he got into his car. He was rushed to the casualty unit by colleagues but was dead on arrival. He was 22 years old and single at the time of his death.
Sgt Julian Connelly, 10 UDR, 21st October 1981.
The 118th UDR Soldier killed. Shot by the IRA at the door of his home in the grounds of Belfast Zoo. The gunman was dressed as a postman and told him he had a letter for him. He was 49 years old, off duty and married at the time of his death.
Sgt Charles Neville, 2 UDR, 10th November 1981.
Charles left the Regiment in 1981. He was the 27th UDR Veteran to be killed. He was attacked by the IRA as he drove his car away from his work at a Technical College. The gunmen threw a grenade which forced the car to swerve and then opened fire. Charles died on his way to hospital. He was 56 years old and married at the time of his death.
Pte Cecil Graham, 4 UDR, 11th November 1981.
The 119th UDR Soldier killed. Fatally wounded in an IRA gun attack on 10 Nov 1981 after a visit to his wife and new baby at her parent's house. He was hit 16 times. His father, sister and two brothers also served with the Regiment. His brothers were killed in IRA attacks in Jun 1981 and Feb 1985. His sister who was seriously injured by a car crashing through a vehicle checkpoint later died. He was 32 years old, off duty and married at the time of his death.
Cpl Thomas Beacom, 4 UDR, 17th November 1981.
The 120th UDR Soldier killed. Shot by the IRA as he returned home to his farm in Maguiresbridge, County Fermanagh after taking his sons to The Boys Brigade. His wife ran out to find him dying. He was 42 years old, off duty and married at the time of his death.
Cpl James McClintock, 5 UDR, 18th November 1981.
James left the Regiment in 1981. He was the 28th UDR Veteran to be killed. He was shot by the IRA not far from his home. The gunmen parked at a spot where they knew he would have to slow down to negotiate a bad bend and opened fire. A farmer who came upon the scene on a tractor was also fired on and injured. The following day his wife's cousin John McKeegan, a serving soldier, was killed by the IRA. He was 57 years old and married at the time of his death.
LCpl John McKeegan, 6 UDR, 19th November 1981.
The 121st UDR Soldier killed. Shot as he made a delivery of wood to a house in Olympic Drive, Ballycolman, Strabane which had been taken over by IRA gunmen four hours earlier. The delivery order, placed by a girl in her twenties was later found to be bogus. He was 40 years old, off duty and married at the time of his death.