



Sgt Maynard Crawford, 9 UDR, 13th January 1972.
The 6th UDR soldier killed. Shot as he sat in a van, waiting to take workers home from a building site in Newtownabbey. He was 38 years old, off duty and married with 2 children at the time of his death.
Pte Thomas Callaghan, 5 UDR, 16th February 1972.
The 7th UDR soldier killed. Body found on the Creggan Foyle Road. He had been hooded, gagged and shot in the back of the head by the IRA 3 hours after he was dragged from the bus he was driving. He was 45 years old, off duty and married at the time of his abduction and death.
Sgt Henry Dickson, 2 UDR, 29th February 1972.
The 8th UDR soldier killed. Shot by hooded IRA gunmen in the hallway of his home. His daughter was shot in the leg in the attack. He was 46 years old, off duty and married with 3 children at the time of his death.
Pte James Fletcher, 4 UDR, 1st March 1972.
The 9th UDR soldier killed. Abducted as he was driving away from his farmhouse 100 yards from the border. He was on his way to work. Shot by republican gunmen who frog-marched him to a field nearby. Witnessed by his wife. He had been previously awarded a Mention In Dispatches. He was 43 years old, off duty and married at the time of his abduction and death.
Capt Marcus McCausland, 5 UDR, 4th March 1972.
The 10th UDR soldier and 1st Officer killed. Abducted from his car, interrogated and shot by the Official IRA. His hooded body was found near the Donegal Border. An OIRA statement said, “It was established through interrogation, that he was actually working for British Intelligence”. Marcus had previous service with the Irish Guards, was High Sheriff of Limavady and Chairman of the Limavady Ulster Unionist branch. He was 39 years old, off duty and married at the time of his abduction and death.
LCpl Joseph Jardine, 3 UDR, 8th March 1972.
The 11th UDR soldier killed. Shot by the IRA as he checked cattle being imported into Northern Ireland. One gunman fired 23 rounds hitting Joe 16 times. He was 43 years old, off duty and married at the time of his death.
Pte Samuel Trainor, 10 UDR, 20th March 1972.
The 12th UDR soldier killed. Killed when a 200lb bomb exploded in Donegall Street Belfast, 6 other people died. He was 39 years old, off duty married with 2 children at the time of his death.
Cpl James Elliott, 3 UDR, 19th April 1972.
The 13th UDR soldier killed. Abducted by the IRA from Killeen Customs Post, Newry on 17 Apr 72 and his body was found near the border in South Armagh on 19 Apr 72. He had been shot through the head and back and surrounded by a minefield of six claymore devices and a 500lb bomb set to go off when the body was moved. The IRA claimed that he was killed when he drew a revolver and fired on his captors as he was being taken to a place of interrogation. The RUC rejected this and said medical evidence proved that he had been held for a day and a half before being killed. He was 36 years old, off duty and married at the time of his abduction and death.
LCpl William Gillespie, 8 UDR, 20th May 1972.
The 14th UDR soldier killed. Shot in an IRA ambush whilst on a mobile patrol at Killyliss, 3 miles from Dungannon.
One other soldier was injured. He had previous service with the Irish Guards. (He was Part Time doing Full Time duties). He was 32 years old, on duty and single at the time of his death.
Pte Edward Megahey, 6 UDR, 9th June 1972.
The 15th UDR soldier killed. Fatally injured in an IRA gun attack on 07 Jun 1972 as he travelled by convoy to relieve men at a vehicle checkpoint. He was 44 years old, on duty and single at he time of his death.
Cpl Roy Stanton, 9 UDR, 9th June 1972.
The 16th UDR soldier killed. Shot by the IRA as he left work to drive home. His 2 women passengers were injured in the shooting. The shooting was carried out by a youth and a girl. He was 27 years old, off duty, and married at the time of his death.
Pte Henry Russell, 9 UDR, 13th July 1972.
The 17th UDR soldier killed. Henry’s body found in a lane in Sydenham, East Belfast. He had been burned, stabbed, battered and shot in the head. He was dressed only in his underwear and a tie. A cross had been burned into his back. He had previous service with RAF. Loyalist paramilitaries were believed to have been responsible. He was 23 years old, off duty and single at he time of his abduction and death.
Pte Robert McComb, 10 UDR, 23rd July 1972.
The 18th UDR soldier killed. Abducted by republicans as he walked home after an evening out with his girlfriend in Belfast. His body was found five hours later, His hair had turned grey, he had been tortured. He was 22 years old, off duty and single at the time of his abduction and death.
LCpl William Creighton, 4 UDR, 7th August 1972.
The 19th UDR soldier killed. Shot by the IRA outside his home near the Monaghan border having just finished a duty at the RUC station. He was to be married in September. He was 27 years old, off duty and single at the time of his death.
Pte James Eames, 4 UDR, 25th August 1972.
The 20th UDR soldier killed. One of two soldiers killed while they checked a booby-trapped car outside Enniskillen. The 150 lb IRA bomb exploded killing them instantly and injuring thirteen 97th Battery Royal Artillery soldiers who were passing in a four-ton truck. Lance Corporal Alfie Johnston also died. He was 33 years old on duty and married at the time of his death.
LCpl Alfred Johnston, 4 UDR, 25th August 1972.
The 21st UDR soldier killed. One of two soldiers killed whilst they checked a booby-trapped car outside Enniskillen. The 150 lb IRA bomb exploded killing them instantly and injuring thirteen 97th Battery Royal Artillery soldiers who were passing in a four-ton truck. Private James Eames also died. He was 32 years old, on duty and married at the time of his death.
LCpl Victor Smyth, 11 UDR, 5th September 1972.
The 22nd UDR soldier killed. Killed when his car overturned and burst into flames as he passed a parked car outside McGurk’s Bar, Portadown, which exploded. He had been driving home after a duty. He was 54 years old, off duty and married at the time of his death.
Pte Thomas Bullock, 4 UDR, 21st September 1972.
The 23rd UDR soldier killed. He and his wife were shot by the IRA as they watched television at home. Mrs Bullock was shot dead at the front porch, the gunmen stepped over her body and went inside to kill her husband. He was 53 years old, off duty and married at the time of his death.
CSgt John Ruddy, 3 UDR, 10th October 1972.
The 24th UDR soldier killed. Shot by the IRA as he left home to walk to his office at the C Company Base. His wife and two of the children witnessed the shooting. He was 50 years old, off duty and married with 2 children at the time of his death.
Pte Terence Maguire, 10 UDR, 14th October 1972.
The 25th UDR soldier killed. His body was found in an alley, he had been beaten up and shot in the head by Loyalist Paramilitaries. He was naked from the waist up, apart from a tie around his neck. He was last seen when he said good night to his girlfriend in Belfast. He was 23 years old, off duty and single at the time of his abduction and death.
Pte Robert Bell, 4 UDR, 22nd October 1972.
The 26th UDR soldier killed. Shot when the car his father was driving was ambushed by the IRA. His father who was also part time was injured. A week earlier it was claimed that the IRA had called off their campaign against off-duty soldiers. Robins brother who was also in the car, and a part time soldier in the Regiment, returned fire. The gunmen escaped over the border by boat. He was 21 years old, off duty and single at the time of his death.
2Lt Irwin Long, 11 UDR, 8th November 1972.
The 27th UDR soldier and 2nd Officer killed. Shot by the IRA as he drove along Lake Street, Lurgan to collect his 4-year-old daughter from her grandmother’s home. He died an hour later in hospital. He was 29 years old, off duty and married at the time of his death.
Pte Samuel Porter, 5 UDR, 22nd November 1972.
The 28th UDR soldier killed. Shot by the IRA as he arrived home after duty. The killers had earlier poisoned his German shepherd dog. He had survived a previous attack when shots were fired at his house. He was 30 years old, off duty and married at the time of his death.
Pte William Bogle, 6 UDR, 5th December 1972.
The 29th UDR soldier killed. Shot by the IRA as he sat in his car with his children outside a post office, Main Street, Killeter, near Castlederg. He died in his wife’s arms as their children watched. He was 27 years old, off duty and married with 3 children at the time of his death.
Pte Frederick Greeves, 8 UDR, 15th December 1972.
The 30th UDR soldier killed. Shot by the Official IRA as he left his work at the creamery on the Moy Road, Armagh, to go home. He returned fire. He was 40 years old, off duty and married at the time of his death.
Pte George Hamilton, 5 UDR, 20th December 1972.
The 31st UDR soldier killed. Shot by an IRA sniper when he was working at Croppy Hill reservoir near the city. An employee of the Derry Development Commission (DDC), he worked regularly at the reservoir. The victim and three other electricians were repairing a fault when the attack took place. He died two hours later in hospital. He was 28 years old, off duty and married with 1 child at the time of his death.